Deadline Extended!
Paper submission deadline has been extended: (
Welcome to the 12th Annual 2022 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technology and Applications RFID-TA 2022

Hybrid Format
IEEE RFID-TA 2022 will have a hybrid format. The meeting will be held in at the Regina Margherita Conference & Leisure Hotel, Cagliari, Italy, 12-14 September 2022. For maximum safety, the conference will accommodate the presenters’ preferences for either virtual or in-person presentation. A special discount has been reserved for Online Registration, in order to facilitate Virtual Audit and all the partecipants who are not able to participate in presence at the event.Special Sessions
- Women in RFID – Scenarios, applications, and practical solutions
- RFID for Healthcare and Wearable Applications
- Next-Generation RFID: Applications, Challenges, and Solutions
- The next Backscattering communications for IoT: from ambient sources to 5G-6G infrastructures
- Research and experience on RFID projects
- Wireless Power Transfer Enabling the IoT Energy Harvesting
- RF Labels for Wireless Identification and Sensing
- Advanced Antennas and Propagation for RFID
- Artificial Intelligence for RFID and IoT
- Advanced UHF RFID Tags and Reader Antennas for Sensing and Communication in Metallic Environments of IoT
- Motion Capture & Localization
- Flexible and Printable Electronics and Electromagnetics (WFPE)
- The RFID Industry meets Academia: Use cases, open challenges and future trends of RFID tech for Industry 4.0
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors

IEEE RFID-TA 2022 Important Dates:
- Paper Submission Deadline:
May 6, 2022,May 20, 2022June 6, 2022 - Paper notification of acceptance:
June 20, 2022June 24, 2022 - Final Paper Submission:
July 5, 2022July 15, 2022 - Conference: September 12- 14, 2022 at the Regina Margherita Conference & Leisure hotel, Cagliari, Italy.
Organized By

Università degli Studi di Cagliari

Dipartimento di Ingegneria elettrica ed elettronica
Organizing Secretariat

Asti Incentives & Congressi Srl P.zza San Uomobono, 30 56126 Pisa, Italy ph.: +39 050 598808 email: